1.Credit Conversion Rate: Credit $1 = $1.
2.Credit cannot be converted to capital and withdrawn by the client.
3.Credit can also be earned via the Task Center.
4. Clients having not deposited can receive up to $50 Credit.
5.Credit cannot be traded for products with a deposit of more than $100 per lot.
6.For uncharged users, if the app is not opened for 7 days, the cash transaction order will be automatically closed.
7. Credit are kept separately from Users’Account balance or Equity Balance.
8. If the User trades with Credit, and makes profit, all of profit will be credited as capital to Users account balance.
9. The profits from trades executed with Credit cannot be withdrawn unless you deposit.
10. Losses will be waived by the Company and not taken from User Account balances, therefore, XTrend Lite fully covers the invested margin of the Credit (i.e. covers risk) for trading.
11. Your maximum profit of Credit trade can reach up to 100% of Used Margin.
12.Credit trades cannot be held overnight.
13.Credit is not redeemable with real cash and any residual value of the Credit cannot be reused once used.
14. Credit may expire depending on the activity within the XTrend Lite App.
15.Profit from Credit trade can only be claimed by Fully Verified Clients.
16.User cannot transfer Credit to other XTrend Lite Clients or other XTrend Lite Users.
17. Credits cannot be used to place pending orders.
18.When executing credit trades, hedging is not allowed on the same symbol within the first 5 minutes from opening the trade.
19. The Company, without any given notice, may void trades executed by credits in order to cover a claim that might have against the Client and/or to cover any other indebtedness the Client might have with the Company and/or to cover a claim presented to the Company.
20. The Company reserves the right to stop rewarding a client with loyalty membership credits in case of suspected fraudulent activities aimed at earning credits.
21. The Company reserves the right to revoke any Credit and profits earned with the use of Credit that occurred due to:
· any Event of Default as defined to our Client Agreement.
· any error, failure, interruption, disconnection, delay, technical problems, system failures, malfunctions and other similar system problems and/or defects as defined in the Client Agreement.
22. Any credits and profits earned with the use of Credit, generated from misquotation or technical issues or the user commits any other improper abusive trading as defined in the Order Execution Policy will be voided.
23. Any credits earned from profits arising from Abusive Trading as defined in the Client Agreement will be voided.